Execute a program periodically, showing output full screen
SYNTAX watch [-dhv] [-n] [--differences[=cumulative]] [--help] [--interval= ] [--version] DESCRIPTION watch runs command repeatedly, displaying its output (the first screenfull). This allows you to watch the program output change over time. By default, the program is run every 2 seconds; use -n or --interval to specify a differ ent interval. The -d or --differences flag will highlight the differ ences between successive updates. The --cumulative option makes highlighting "sticky", presenting a running display of all positions that have ever changed. watch will run until interrupted. NOTE Note that command is given to "sh -c" which means that you may need to use extra quoting to get the desired effect. Note that POSIX option processing is used (i.e., option processing stops at the first non-option argument). This means that flags after command don't get interpreted by watch itself. EXAMPLES To watch for mail, you might do watch -n 60 from To watch the contents of a directory change, you could use watch -d ls -l If you're only interested in files owned by user joe, you might use watch -d 'ls -l | fgrep joe' To see the effects of quoting, try these out watch echo $$ watch echo '$$' watch echo "'"'$$'"'" You can watch for your administrator to install the latest kernel with watch uname -r (Just kidding.) BUGS Upon terminal resize, the screen will not be correctly repainted until the next scheduled update. All --differ ences highlighting is lost on that update as well. Non-printing characters are stripped from program output. Use "cat -v" as part of the command pipeline if you want to see them.
"Advertising may be described as the science of arresting
the human intelligence long enough to get money from it." - Stephen
Related commands:
builtin - Run a shell builtin
crontab - Schedule a command to run at a later time
chroot - Run a command with a different root directory
exec - Execute a command
if - Conditionally perform a command
nohup - Run a command immune to hangups
su - Run a command with substitute user and group id
watch - Execute/display a program periodically
.period - Run commands from a file