Print system information, print information about the machine
and operating system it is run on. If no options are given, `uname' acts as
if the `-s' option were given.
SYNTAX uname [OPTION]... OPTIONS `-a' `--all' Print all of the below information. `-m' `--machine' Print the machine (hardware) type. `-n' `--nodename' Print the machine's network node hostname. `-p' `--processor' Print the machine's processor type `-r' `--release' Print the operating system release. `-s' `--sysname' Print the operating system name. `-v' Print the operating system version.
If multiple options or `-a' are given, the selected information
is printed in this order:
The OSVERSION, at least, may well be multiple words.
For example:
uname -a
=> Linux hayley 1.0.4 #3 Thu May 12 18:06:34 1994 i486
Related commands:
env - Display, set, or remove
environment variables
groups - Print group names a user is in
hostname - Print or set system name
id - Print user and group id's
logname - Print current login name
ps - list processes
tty - Print filename of terminal on stdin
users - Print login names of users currently logged
who - Print who is currently logged in
whoami - Print the current user id and name (`id -un')